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Theory Application Person s Environment Essay - 1359 Words
Mary Marrone Professor Lyon-Levine SOWK 506 17 September 2015 Assignment #1: Theory Application: Person-in-environment When analyzing a case, it is very important to discuss the major biological, psychological, and social factors involved. It is important to pay special attention on how these factors intersect on one another and how this intersectional play affects the whole well being of a human. Robins, S.P., Chatterjee, P. Canda, E.R. (2012) stress that â€Å"all systems theories are based on a holistic view of people that acknowledges the interrelationship between biological, psychological, social cultural and spiritual dimensions of behavior†(p.52). One must ask, why is this important? The answer is quite simple. The intersectional play determines whether a person is successful in life or not. In order for one to strive for success he/she must have motivation to create positive outcomes, which drives change. But what happens if one experiences negative intersectional play? 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