College vs high school essay
Expository Math Essay Topics For High School
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Essay on Gertrude and Ophelia’s Death in Shakespeares Hamlet
Gertrude and Ophelia’s Death in Hamletâ â The Queen gives a strikingly definite record of Ophelia’s demise leaving one to accept that she may have seen the occasion. We realize that she underlined with Ophelia’s enduring to such a degree, that maybe she understood that the kindest move to make is let Ophelia choose her own destiny, despite the fact that she obviously was not in a fit perspective to do this and was scarcely mindful of her environmental factors â€Å"incapable of her own distress.†Ophelia’s demise is â€Å"beautified†as she bites the dust in a sentimental and excellent scene befitting her character where she was encircled by her wreath of blossoms. (Ophelia herself was â€Å"beautified†in a letter from Hamlet which Polonius saw as a â€Å"vile phrase.†) There is a lot of detail, persuading that Gertrude is attempting to mollify the blow for Laertes who is as of now rankled over his father’s demise and his sister’s franticness; the King says, â⠂¬Å"How much I needed to do to shellfish his rage.†This is an ordinarily egotistical response of Claudius which serves to stress the requirement for Laertes to control his melancholy, as he is an amazingly searing character. Ophelia kicked the bucket subsequent to gathering blossoms from over a stream. I imagine that she was gathering them to convey to the court, as she did after her father’s passing. Blossoms are an image of blamelessness, unadulterated and effortlessly devastated. The tree she was slithering along while gathering these laurels was a willow, which is typically connected with sobbing and anguish, something we have allocated to the â€Å"watery†(maybe with tears) character of Ophelia. The parts of a willow hang down towards the ground in an unhappy manner, showing misery. The representation even stretches out to her pieces of clothing that were â€Å"too overwhelming with beneficiary drink.†The ... ...h his activities don't mirror this idea now, he had recently kept in touch with her a note saying, â€Å"But that I love thee best, O generally best, accept it.†Aside from the equivocalness encompassing her demise and her adoration for Hamlet, Ophelia is depicted by all as a guiltless kid, pondering circumstances her childhood is not ready for. Regardless of whether she had culminated her affection for Hamlet, I can in any case picture Ophelia as a powerless and blameless youngster who needs to adapt to circumstances outside her ability to control in this present reality where the job of the female is inactive. It is this defenselessness which Gertrude needs to care for as she â€Å"hoped thou should’st have been my Hamlet’s wife†and her franticness which Gertrude needs to spare her structure by permitting Ophelia to settle on the choice over life and passing. Work Cited Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. 1600? Ed. Woody Barnet. New York: Signet Classic, 1998
Saturday, July 11, 2020
College Admission Letters - How to Make Them More Powerful
College Admission Letters - How to Make Them More PowerfulIf you are looking for a way to improve your chances of getting into college, including a college admission letter may be the best way to go. The college admission letter is the first piece of evidence that will determine if you got into the college that you are applying to or not.You have to make sure that the college admission letters you are using are written well and that you follow all of the instructions that they have provided to you. You can improve your chances of getting into the college that you want to be in by following the advice in the college admission letters that you are using. It is important that you take your time and write it right.You want to make sure that you research the college that you are applying to before you get started. You want to find out about their admissions requirements and what their reputation is like. You want to know if the school is one that you will be happy to attend.You also want to make sure that you do your research about the professors that you are considering. You want to make sure that they are the type of professors that you are looking for. You also want to make sure that they are going to be the type of teachers that you are looking for. You don't want to take a class with a professor that you hate.It is also important that you keep track of all of the letters that you are receiving for college admission letters. This is important because you need to use these letters as a guide. You want to make sure that you understand the requirements of the college that you are applying to. You want to understand the requirements of the college that you want to be in.The college admission letters are another important tool that you need to use. You want to take the time to write the college admission letters that you need to. It is important that you do this because it can help you improve your chances of getting into the college that you want to be in.The most i mportant thing that you want to remember when it comes to college admission letters is that you should always be ready to submit a college admission letter. In fact, you should expect to be ready to submit at least one letter for college admission. Most schools will expect that you send at least one letter.You want to keep this in mind when you are trying to find out what college admission letters you need to submit. You don't want to skip them.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Theory Application Person s Environment Essay - 1359 Words
Mary Marrone Professor Lyon-Levine SOWK 506 17 September 2015 Assignment #1: Theory Application: Person-in-environment When analyzing a case, it is very important to discuss the major biological, psychological, and social factors involved. It is important to pay special attention on how these factors intersect on one another and how this intersectional play affects the whole well being of a human. Robins, S.P., Chatterjee, P. Canda, E.R. (2012) stress that â€Å"all systems theories are based on a holistic view of people that acknowledges the interrelationship between biological, psychological, social cultural and spiritual dimensions of behavior†(p.52). One must ask, why is this important? The answer is quite simple. The intersectional play determines whether a person is successful in life or not. In order for one to strive for success he/she must have motivation to create positive outcomes, which drives change. But what happens if one experiences negative intersectional play? His or her life tends to be full of distress, har dship, oppression, discrimination, and hurt. This is evident in Michael’s case. Conflict Theory Many theorists agree with the same principles of Denisoff, Wahrman (1979), and Dahrendorf (1973) applied to conflict theory which are the basic interests of social life; social life involves coercion and groups with different interests; social life generates opposition, exclusion, hostility, and conflict; social difference involves power; andShow MoreRelatedPersonal Nursing Philosophy1432 Words  | 6 PagesPersonal Philosophy Nursing and Application of Orem’s Theory to Practice A typical nursing philosophy includes the concepts of patient, environment, health and nursing. Likewise, examining theory is part of the doctoral prepared nurse’s journey into practice. In this preparation, theory plays an important role in guiding and exploring the advanced practice nurse’s role with respect to practice. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner by Randal Jarrell
In the first line of the â€Å"The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner†Jarrell states, â€Å"When I died they washed me out of the turret with a hose†(5). Jarrell does not elaborate; he makes it very clear that war is gruesome. However, the literary techniques used in the other four lines of â€Å"Death of the Ball Turret Gunner†give this theme even deeper meaning and make his point so effective. Jarrell criticizes the government for its insensitivity toward the fate if its solders. Jarrell does mention how scared the gunner is, or call out the government for the brutalities and terrors the gunner has witnessed and experienced; he simply states the events that occurred, allowing the reader to make these conclusions for himself. Jarrell uses imagery to convey the gruesome horrors of combat, perplexity to simultaneously establish the gunner’s emotional condition, and finally tone to portray the government’s perspective of soldiers that die. The imagery Jarrell uses not only conveys the terrifying situation the ball turret gunner is in, it also exhibits the difference between the gunner’s previous experiences and his current situation. The first line indicates the ball turret gunner safe. He mentions his â€Å"mother’s sleep†(1), meaning the sleep during which he is in her womb. This gives the reader the impression that he came from a protected, warm, and comfortable environment. This environment contradicts with his present situation being, â€Å"hunched in its belly till my wet fur froze†(2). The
Tourism Leisure and Events Management
Question: Discuss about the Tourism Leisure and Events Management. Answer: The regional and organizational innovation systems play a beneficial part to make sure about the establishment of standard corporate culture in the Tourism, Leisure and Events industry. The provincial and organizational improvement systems is required by the TLE enterprises to understand the current market trends and thus it helps the business establishments to understand the requirements and vital needs of their target customers and supply the products or services in an effective manner (Kandampully, 2006). Business establishments with use of advanced technology have been helpful to foster client contentment. Moreover, it helps the business establishments to conduct an effective risk analysis in the market which will help them to understand the potential problems which would further bring changes over the existing business structure and style of supplying services to the clients (Kandampully, 2006). Different business establishments would undertake certain measurable steps in order to recognise and reduce the level of risk. Thus, various forms of regional and organizational innovation systems help the business establishments to realize their business goals and objectives in the market (Cooke, 2008). Understanding the relationship between technology, innovation and entrepreneurship in TLE The use of technology has made it much easier for several business organisations like the TLE enterprise to handle business risks and make themselves more involve in the market competition to prove their capability. Much better understanding of the corporate culture will be beneficial for TLE enterprises to expand their business in the market by helping them to get access to more customers in the market. The internet has proved to be the most useful technology at the disposal of business establishments these days which has enabled them to transform their business fortunes in the market. Internet has enabled the business establishments to switch over from their traditional business setting and provide their services on the online platform which has helped the business establishments to reduce the cost associated with the opening up of new physical stores in the market. Thus the TLE enterprises have been able to save on their cost of business operations and at the same time they have b een able to find a larger target customer base for their products and services (Tamasy, 2007). The use of ICT software are noticed to be very helpful for several business as it helps the organisation to gather various external information so that they could they could implement certain changes in their business and also helps gather information on what sort of resources are being utilised by the other companies to remain competitive. One such technology is the Management Information System (MIS) which helps the business establishments to optimize their business productivity in the market (Cooke, 2008). MIS plays a vital role in ensure an effective communication channel which fosters an accurate exchange of information between the different functional levels of an organization (Kandampully, 2006). It will play a vital role in promoting better cooperation and coordination within different functional levels of the TLE business establishments and thereby help them to improve their company oriented performance for better competition. Changes in business perspectives would be helpfu l for the organisation of TLE to improve their business standard and also it would be helpful for TLE business entities to supply accurate information for ensuring the growth and success in the market(Trott, 2009). Technology also plays a vital role in fostering of new business ideas which helps an organisation to create their own unique identity in the market. It can help the TLE enterprises to make changes and manufacturing of new assets and items which can provide a competitive edge to a business establishment over their business competitors. By developing new products and services in the market, the TLE enterprises can easily attract new prospective customers from the market and create a positive impression upon them. Thus, technology is quite beneficial for making changes over the business ideas by TLE enterprises which will essentially help them to foster a spirit of entrepreneurship among their employees (Tamasy, 2007). Role played by the TLE-related stakeholders in the adoption of innovation The stakeholders of a TLE enterprise are the customers, investors, government, employees and the society. In some ways or the other the stakeholders who are linked with the different activities of the organisation have to experience significant impact in relation to business activities that TLE enterprise perform to retain the business in competitive market. The stakeholders are estimated to provide some amount of suggestion to the management of the organisation as they also expect some positive outcomes through the use of various resources they supply to the business companies in order to make significant improvements at the TLE business establishments. The stakeholders must ensure that the organization takes their interests into consideration at the time of undertaking business decisions in the market. The stakeholders also need to ensure that the TLE business establishments are utilizing the technology and innovation in a socially responsible and ethical manner. Moreover, it is al so the duty of the stakeholders to ensure that the business establishments are contributing towards the development of the wider society and are not merely involved in maximizing their profits and revenues from their business (Hkansson, 2007). How innovation and technology can be beneficial for the host destination With advanced form of technological immergence the use of technology in business field has become extremely important for the several companies and organisations to remain competitive. Use of technology is helping business enterprise like TLE to broaden their economic base platform and provide unique solution to economic, social and cultural differences that are being experienced by the industry. The use of technology has brought up new employment opportunities for the population of a region and thus improves the standard of living of the people who are residing in a region. The use of technology has been beneficial in establishing different industries in a region and this will help in fostering a comprehensive growth and prosperity throughout all strata of the society. Technology has been helping the TLE business enterprise to set up a perfect form of organisational culture and provide empowerment to the various employees in making significant business oriented decisions when they a re operating in the market and this will help the government of the nation to generate more taxes from the business establishments which could be then utilised for the overall growth and development of the society as a whole. Thus, innovation and technology has been beneficial for organisations when they intend to make an expansion of economic base through strategic development in their business (Trott, 2009). Ways in which the focal technology or innovation could be utilised as a driving-force for sustainability in TLE Driving force for sustainability is estimated to be the most powerful form of making certain evaluation over the different form of innovation that are brought up through the technology used. Technology or innovation is deemed to be the driving force for sustainability because it helps in soling new problems of business context and at the same time helps the TLE business enterprise establish huge goals of success that further force the working employees of the organisation to think more about use of technology that further would lead to success of the organisation and foster certain level of contradiction. Sustainability and innovation this helps the company to make significant increase over their current level of competitiveness. Use of technology is the driving force for sustainability for the enterprise of TLE and through it innovation could be gained when the employees would focus on the corporate culture and provide clear form of social commitment highlighting the value and busin ess objectives of the organisation. the concept of strategy strengthening with use of advanced technology are considered as the central part of sustainability level for the business enterprise of TLE (Hkansson, 2007). How innovation can be effectively managed by the TLE businesses Innovation is one aspect that constantly keeps on changing for the better. Technologies which are being used today will eventually become obsolete and get replaced by newer and more advanced versions of technology. This is a never ending chain and thus it is absolutely essential for the TLE business establishments to ensure that they have an effective mechanism within their organizational domain that can effectively manage innovation and constantly keeps themselves updated with all the latest trends in the world of technology (Cooke, 2008). The TLE business establishments needs to recruit technically skillful and qualified individuals who are proficient and adept in working with all the latest technological advancements. They must ensure that the people who are in charge of handling all the technological innovation have a in-depth knowledge and understanding about these technological advancements. This will help the TLE business establishments to utilize and manage their technologies in a faultless form using technologies in a suitable mode. Through this strategy TLE business establishments are noticed to experience maximum benefit out of the innovation and technologies which have been incorporated within the business establishments. References Hkansson, H., Waluszewski, A. (Eds.). (2007).Knowledge and innovation in business and industry: The importance of using others. Routledge. Tamasy, C. (2007). Rethinking Technologyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Oriented Business Incubators: Developing a Robust Policy Instrument for Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Regional Development?.Growth and Change,38(3), 460-473. Ferneley, E., Bell, F. (2006).Using bricolage to integrate business and information technology innovation in SMEs.Technovation,26(2), 232-241. Trott, P., Hartmann, D. A. P. (2009).Why'openinnovation'is old wine in new bottles.International Journal of Innovation Management,13(04), 715-736. Trott, P. (2008).Innovation management and new product development.Pearson education. Laranja, M., Uyarra, E., Flanagan, K. (2008). Policies for science, technology and innovation: Translating rationales into regional policies in a multi-level setting.Research Policy,37(5), 823-835. Cooke, P. (2008). Regional Innovation Systems, Clean Technology Jacobian Clusterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Platform Policies.Regional Science Policy Practice,1(1), 23-45. Kandampully, J. (2006). The new customer-centred business model for the hospitality industry.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,18(3), 173-187. Kang, K. H., Kang, J. (2009). How do firms source external knowledge for innovation? Analysing effects of different knowledge sourcing methods.International Journal of Innovation Management,13(01), 1-17. Schaffers, H., Cordoba, M. G., Hongisto, P., Kallai, T., Merz, C., Van Rensburg, J. (2007).Exploring business models for open innovation in rural living labs.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Stress Management free essay sample
Informatics College of Science and Technology. Faisalabad, Pakistan. E-mail. [emailprotected] com ABSTRACT Stress is a universal element and individuals in every walk of life have to face it. The employees working in different organizations have to deal with stress. Especially Bankers are under a great deal of stress due to many antecedents of stress. These stresses contribute to decreased organizational performance, decreased employee overall performance, decreased quality of work, high staff turnover, and absenteeism due to health problems such as anxiety, depression, headache and backache. Six components of job stress: Lack of administrative support, excessive work demand, problematic customer relations, coworker’s relationship, family work life balance and risky ness of job were examined in this study. The objective of the study is to explore the stress related problems of bankers and examine the relationship between stress and performance. And finally the impact of stress on employee performance. For this purpose 150 questionnairs were filled by the bankers from the district Faisalabad. We will write a custom essay sample on Stress Management or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The results show that all the components of stress cause great stress in bankers and then decrease their performance. The previous study on banking sector of Pakistan conducted by Usman Basher and Muhammad Ismail showed that job stress signifincently reduce the performance of an individual. Another study on banking sector by jamshed, et al also showed the same results. Keywords: Job performance, Stress, Banks. INTRODUCTION Stress is a Common element in any kind of job and persons have to face it in almost every walk of life. Stress has been defined in different ways over the years. According to Robbins and sanghi (2006) â€Å"A dynamic condition in which an individual is confronted with an opportunity, constraints, or demand related to what he or she desires and for which the outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important. †stress is an increasing problem in organizations and often cause adverse effects on performance. According to Kahn and Quinn (1970) â€Å"stress is the outcome of facet of the assigned work role that caused harmful effect for individual. Occupational stress is considered as harmful factor of the work environment. †It also has unpleasant effects on health of an individual as David (1998) contributed â€Å"it can also be labeled as the harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources, or needs  ©Society for Business Research Promotion | 38 www. ajbms. org ISSN: 2047-2528 Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences Vol. 1 No. 7 [38-47] of the workers. Job stress can lead to poor health and even injury. According to ILO (1986)â€Å"It is recognized world-wide as a major challenge to individual mental and physical health, and organizational health. †Although stress includes both good and bad aspects but it is not necessarily bad. Robbins and sanghi (2006) also contributed â€Å"stress is typically discussed in a negative context, it also has a positive value. It is an opportunity when offers a potential gain. †Rubi na et at. , (2008) contributed the same â€Å"Stress is not always negative or harmful and indeed, the absence of stress is death. †But it still has destructive impact on employee performance. According to Usman and ismail (2010)â€Å"One of the affected outcomes of stress is on job performance. †so it needs to be studied. The purpose of study is (a) To explore the stress related problems of bankers. (b) To examine the relationship of stress and performance. (c) To suggest the measures for stress tolerance and to enhance work performance. LITERATURE REVIEW An individual in his or her job in bank face stress as Jamshed et al. ,(2011)suggested â€Å"The workplace is potentially an important source of stress for bankers because of the amount of time they spent in their respective banks. And that stress often decrease their performance. â€Å"Therefore occupation of individuals could be a major source of stress in the given circumstances. When individuals face stress due to various conditions of their occupation and fail to cope with stress, it results into burnout,†(ibdm). Basically in banking sector lack of administrative support from boss(manager), work over load time pressure, risky ness of job, poor relationship with customers coworkers, and work family balance cause stress which in turns decrease employee performance. The same was contributed by Materson (1980) â€Å"Causes of stress are many like work load, cuts in staff, change at work, long work hours, shift work, lack of supervision, inadequate training, inappropriate working conditions, too heavy responsibilities and poor relations with colleagues. †The same was identified by Ganster Loghan, (2005) â€Å"huge and multi fields literature points a lot of key factors such as work environment, management support, workload etc in determining how stressful the work can be and its effect on employee physical and mental health. In banking sector particularly higher management doesn’t realize the impact of stress on employee performance which ultimately results in critical managerial dilemmas as Subha and shakeel (2009) described â€Å"Higher level of stress existed with no managerial concern for solution consequently lowering the employee performance, staking organizational reputation and loss of skilled employees, these situations call for immediate concern from organization management for employing effective stress management practices to increase employee satisfaction and overall employee performance. Work overload time pressure to complete too much work in short span of time is big source of stress which decrease the performance of employees as Babak et al. ,(2010) studied â€Å"With excessive pressures, the job demands cannot be met, relaxation turns to exhaustion and a sense of satisfaction replaces with the feelings of stress, motivation sheds away and the workers start losing interest in the work and hence performance chart shows a negative trend. The performance of individuals also decreased when stress is caused by inability of individual to maintain a reasonable balance between family life and work life as he/she has to spend a lot of time in his/her working. McCubbin Figley (1983) suggested that â€Å"Job related stress can be mostly immobilizing because of its possible threats to family functi oning and individual performance. Job related stress can create a difference between demands on families and the ability of families to provide material security for them. †And that nability to maintain a reasonable balance between family life and work life results in work to family conflict which in turn cause stress and ultimately decreases the employee performance. According to Anderson ( 2002) â€Å"work to family conflicts is also a predecessor which creates stress in employees of an organization. †In banks the poor relationship among employees often cause stress and have adverse effects on the performance of employees. Lack of social support from colleagues and poor interpersonal relationships can cause stress especially among employees with a high social need. Margot Shields( 2006) suggested. different sources of work stress do not occur in isolation but indeed interact with one another. †Stress caused by degree of involvement in decision making is a big  ©Society for Business Research Promotion | 39 www. ajbms. org ISSN: 2047-2528 Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences Vol. 1 No. 7 [38-47] source of decrease in performance of individual as Meneze (2005) described â€Å"Misfit with organization, no part in decision making, were reported main causes of stress as well no control over work environment, personality traits, lack of relaxation along with ambiguous rules affect employees performance. The nature of job in banking sector is too much risky. There is operational risk involved in transactions which always put pressure on employees to avoid wrong entries. The employees in return feel job insecurity which cause great stress on them. jungwee park (2007) contributed â€Å"Physical exertion and job insecurity can also cause stress. †so job insecurity is also a major cause of stress on the job that negatively affect the performance of employees in the banking sector. Moderating variables are lack of administrative support, excessive work demand, problematic customer relations, coworker’s relationship, family work life balance and risky ness of job. And job stress has been taken as independent variable. The main purpose of the study is to identify the factors contributing job stress and the relationship between job stress and employee performance. Bank employees in this study refer to Brach level Managers, operational managers, supervisors and officers (credit officers, remittance officers, customer services officers and relationship officers). To achieve the objectives of the study 150 surveys were sent(through questioners) to 10 larger banks having branches in district Faisalabad. And all the banking companies are listed at Karachi stock exchange of Pakistan. The data were collected from following banks, The Bank of Punjab, MCB ,HBL, Habib Metro Politon Bank limited, Bank al Habib, Meezan bank, SILK bank, Allied bank, Askari Bank and Bank Alfalah. All the employees were aged between 20 to 60 years. Therefore 144 questionnaires were returned having response rate of 96%. The questionnaire using 5-Scale Likert (1=Highly Disagreed, 2=Disagreed, 3=somehow Agreed, 4=Agreed, 5=Highly Agreed) was design to test the impact of all the variables. For this study the questionnaire is divided into 2 sections demographics and job stress its impact on employee performance. The questionnaire cover all the variables such as lack of administrative support, excessive work demand, problematic customer relations, coworker’s relationship, family work life balance and risky ness of job.
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